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DuraPost® makes commercial sense

DuraPost® is lighter, stronger and lasts longer than comparable solutions,
making it a sustainable, health and safety conscious, cost effective choice for commercial builds.
The UK's leading supplier of fencing for large scale commercial projects

Whether you're a Housing Developer or Government (e.g. Local Council, Housing Association, Highways Authority) find out why DuraPost® makes commercial sense for you.

DuraPost® fencing solutions come with a sense of sustainability

At DuraPost® we strive to develop fencing solutions designed to benefit our customers, their end users and the planet to which we all owe a duty of responsibility. We do this through believing in:

  • SUSTAINABILITY We build to maintain the status quo with materials that can be recycled
  • ECO-FRIENDLY We build with the minimum environmental impact
  • DURABILITY We build to last longer
  • FLEXIBILITY We build products that can be configured in multiple-ways
What our commercial partners say
"For large scale fencing solutions DuraPost® is our perfect partner in every department - H&S to Finance."

John, Chair LGA

DuraPost® for Housing Developers
find out more
DuraPost® for Local Government and Infrastructure
find out more
DuraPost® for Commercial Fence Installers
Need help on your next project?
With a team of designers, engineers and project consultants we will find the solution to your challenge

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